Sonic Redemption
In collaboration with Oak Cliff Cultural Center, the film series "Sonic Redemption" invites viewers on an in-depth exploration of the diverse and textured dimensions of Black music. This curated showcase meticulously unravels the sonic tapestry, dissecting the nuanced ways in which Black music evokes political and cultural nuance. Whether it be a deep dive in the cultural works of Pan-African artists, LA clubs, or Jamaican reggae, these featured titles, including Leilah Weinraub's "Shakedown," "The Harder They Come," and a John Akomfrah Double Feature of "Seven Songs for Malcolm X" and "The Last Angel of History," serve as seminal works.
The Last Angel of History
Sonic Redemption & Homecoming
John Akomfrah, 1996, USA, 45 min
An engaging and searing examination of the hitherto unexplored relationships between Pan-African culture, science fiction, intergalactic travel, and rapidly progressing computer technology. This cinematic essay posits science fiction (with tropes such as alien abduction, estrangement, and genetic engineering) as a metaphor for the Pan-African experience of forced displacement, cultural alienation, and otherness.
Seven Songs for Malcolm X
John Akomfrah, 1993, USA, 52 min
An homage to the inspirational African-American civil rights leader, SEVEN SONGS FOR MALCOLM X collects testimonies, eyewitness accounts and dramatic reenactments to tell the life, legacy, loves, and losses of Malcolm X.Featuring interviews with Malcolm's widow Betty Shabazz, Spike Lee, and many other, SEVEN SONGS looks for the meaning behind the resurgence of interest in the man whose X always stood for the unknown.